If you are interested in volunteering at CCEO YouthBuild, please contact Ana Saucedo at ana@centurycenter.com or 310-225-3060. There are volunteer opportunities available that range from one-time events to full year commitments.
Be a Mentor: Our mentoring program is based on a traditional one-to-one mentoring relationship. We carefully select our mentors and purposely match them with one of our students. Mentors provide mentees with professional guidance, emotional support and extracurricular activities. Mentors make a year-long commitment to do activities with mentees, twice a month.
Be a Tutor: The majority of our students come in with skills far below grade level. As a volunteer tutor, you will work with students one-to-one or in small groups assisting them with studying for the California High School Exit exam, preparing for the college placement test, or completing their classroom assignments.
Lead a presentation or workshop: Do you have an area of expertise or a topic you are passionate about? Would you like to teach our students about it? Throughout the program year, volunteers lead 30-60 minute interactive presentations on a variety of topics. Examples of topics are improvisational theater, spoken word poetry, sports, art, business, nonprofit management, health, music and animal training.
Be part of our college and career speaker series: Are you interested in speaking to a group of students about the obstacles you overcame to complete college? Would you like to speak about your profession and the type of skills and education a student would need to enter your industry? Throughout the program year, volunteers lead 30-60 minute interactive presentations on the path they took to complete college and begin their profession. Past speakers have included executive directors, lawyers, teachers, social workers, probation officers, computer technicians and chefs.
Lead a tour at your workplace: Are you interested in taking a group of 5-15 students on a tour of your workplace? Are you interested in exposing our students to different work environments and cultures? Help our students learn about different careers by showing them where different professionals work.
Be part of our weekend community service team: One Saturday a month, our students demonstrate their passion for giving back to the community with a service project. Volunteers who attend these events work side by side with our students, engaging in casual conversations and providing informal mentoring. It is important for our students to see volunteers of different backgrounds, ages, cultures and professions volunteering their time to give back to the community.