The Rapid Response Team provides information on services to help you identify community resources, and to find a job at no cost to you.
Laura Bischoff - Contracts Manager
South Bay Workforce Investment Board, Inc.
11539 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 500
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 970-7700
When filing a WARN Notice please also send a copy to the following:
1) The City Mayor where the business is located.
2) State contacts where business is located:
For California:
Jennifer Gouvaia
Deputy Chief, Program and Technical Assistance Section
CA Employment Development Department
Workforce Services Branch
Workforce Services Division
722 Capitol Mall
MIC 50
Sacramento, CA 95814
For future reference - here is a list of all the main WARN State Rapid Response Coordinators for each state
3) For California also send to this address:
WARN Notice Email Address: eddwarnnotice@edd.ca.gov
4) Send a copy of the WARN notice to the local Workforce Board. For the South Bay region send to the following.
Jan Vogel
Executive Director
South Bay Workforce Investment Board, Inc.
11539 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 500
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 970-7700
Laura Bischoff
Contracts Manager
South Bay Workforce Investment Board, Inc.
11539 Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 500
Hawthorne, CA 90250
(310) 970-7700
5) Others that are optional for Los Angeles County:
WDACS Rapid Response - RapidResponse@wdacs.lacounty.gov
Business Services - BServices@wdacs.lacounty.gov
More info can be found here about WARN notices: