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27th Annual Awards Ceremony

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Visit sponsor and training provider websites by clicking on the ads and names throughout the book. 


Award Recipients

Chrisie Morris

Youth Program

“Everyone needs help with something, and the people at Carson One-Stop and Better Youth are willing to help, but it’s your responsibility to speak up for it.”

Roger Linares

Aero-Flex Program

Roger is expected to obtain his Associates degree by the end of 2022.

Denise Benitez

TSE Program

“The TSE program helped me grow in so many ways and helped me get back on my feet. I gained new skills and am still amazed about how much the Gardena One-Stop does for the community.”

Leo Bustillo

Adult Program

Leo is now making progress toward his family’s reconciliation.

Sara Mejia

Dislocated Worker Program

Despite the unexpected challenges of the pandemic, Sara successfully completed her Human Resources
Management Certification and obtained her High School Diploma, reintegrated into the workforce as a Human Resources Generalist for Pocino Foods Company in City of Industry, with higher wages.

Derrin Atwood

Youth Program

Derrin is enrolled in classes in pathology, anatomy, embalming and restorative procedures, physiology, and funeral law, with the goal of becoming an embalmer.


Business Award Recipients

Active Security Solutions

Northrop Grumman Corporation

The Airplane Factory / Sling Pilot Academy

AECOM & Turner Construction Intuit Dome

Republic Services

Centinela Valley Union High School District

Aura Seating

Robertson’s Ready Mix

El Camino College

Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)


California Department of Education

Thank You to Our Sponsors
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West Basin Municipal Water District Logo
American Career College