Christopher Martinez
Christopher Martinez, twenty-five-year old SBWIB YouthBuild senior and father of two children, was welcomed into the SBWIB YouthBuild Program for an alternative education after challenges in traditional school.
SBWIB YouthBuild offered Christopher opportunities and hope to accomplish his goals no matter how many times it seemed difficult. Christopher felt the SBWIB YouthBuild staff cared about the students, providing him skills to regain interest in his education and not giving up on himself.
As a graduate now from SBWIB YouthBuild, Christopher has signed up to take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery test, he will review his options in the military and alternatively pursue a welding certificate.
“I want to thank the people that helped motivate me in graduating. My mom, dad and brother for sticking through and believing in me even when I was having a hard time believing in myself. My wife and kids for being the main reason why I decided to go back to school.”