Meet Yvonne Alvarez - Carson
Workforce Challenge:
Carson resident Yvonne Alvarez, a 39-year-old single parent of three children, was laid off in 2015 after working 11 years at Tatung USA and experienced periods of homelessness and unemployment over the next five years.
Workforce Solution:
In 2020 Yvonne turned to the South Bay One-Stop Center and enrolled in the Blueprint for Workplace Success curriculum to develop her job search skills and restore her self-confidence. Through the Transitional Subsidized Employment program, she worked in a clerical position with the Carson One-Stop Center.
Outcome and Benefits:
Yvonne was hired by U.S. Vets in Long Beach as a Veteran Service worker.
“The One-Stop staff helped me focus on my goals and build my self-confidence, which helped me and my family financially and emotionally, and enabled me to start a new career.”