Meet Marie Bayro - Hermosa Beach
Workforce Challenge:
Hermosa Beach resident, Marie Bayro, 38, had last worked as a Business Analyst for Entertainment Partners in 2015. She took a Family and Medical Leave of Absence last year in order to care for her father who was terminally ill. As her savings began to diminish, Ms. Bayro saw the need to re-enter the workforce. The experiences she went faced with her father left her determined to find “meaningful” employment as opposed to strictly working for a paycheck.
Workforce Solution:
Ms. Bayro visited the Torrance One-Stop where she found she was eligible for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) Adult Program. The staff at the One-Stop immediately helped her create a resume which highlighted her education, training and work experience. The staff began sending Ms. Bayro’s resume out to various companies and through interview workshops, she gained the confidence she needed to actively apply for other jobs on her own. It was not long before she was contacted for an interview.