Meet Andrew Aguirre
Workforce Challenge:
Andrew Aguirre was referred to the South Bay One-Stop Center after serving a nearly 22-year state prison sentence. As a parole, he faced many challenges, including working a variety of low-paying day-laborer jobs.
Workforce Solution:
Through the Prison to Employment program, his career counselor helped him focus on a career in the construction industry and acquire construction tools.
Outcome and Benefits:
A construction superintendent at one of his assignments noticed his hard work ethic and diligence and offered him a position as a Level II Construction Worker at a wage of $59.18/hr. Today Andrew is proud to help construct 73 affordable housing units at the Las Flores housing project.
“This program and the support I got gave me a real and legit second chance. I have a good job, a family, and I am no longer on parole. Thank you!!”